FIATA FCR (Forwarder’s Certificate of Receipt) is the certificate of receipt of the forwarder of goods which has been used in the world already since 1955. A freight forwarding company issues the FCR to the recipient of goods, thereby certifying the irrevocable receipt of the goods from the consignor for delivery to the recipient indicated in the document. The FCR can not be used, if a specific recipient is not named. The FCR is widely used in foreign trade since it serves as a proof for the purchaser that the goods have been delivered for forwarding and the consigner can not change the conditions agreed upon. Only freight forwarding companies that belong to a national organisation of freight forwarders and have the liability insurance of a freight forwarder have the right to issue the FCR. According to the General Terms and Conditions of ELFA, a freight forwarding company issuing the FCR in Estonia is liable as an intermediary.