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Eesti Lennuakadeemia

Eesti Lennuakadeemia is a national university of applied sciences that trains specialists for Estonian aviation companies. Founded in 1993 and renamed to Eesti Lennuakadeemia in 2008, the institution has become a university with one of the most competitive admissions in Estonia.
Lennuakadeemia’s unique and practical education and modern learning environment motivate more and more young people to become interested in aviation. The learning process at the Academy implements both Estonian and internationally high standards of applied higher education in aviation.

Basic information about the company:

Member status Principal member
Date of joining 20.01.2022
Services Training, Advanced training, Trainings/educational institutions
Website https://www.lennuakadeemia.ee
E-mail eava@eava.ee
Phone 3727448100
Address Lennu 40, Reola küla, Kambja vald, Tartumaa
Postal code 61707
Country Estonia